Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Revisiting the anticipation guide

"Is lying justifiable for the greater good?"
The first time I took the assessment I answered four out of five, I still agree with what I said, In the book Graff and Mazer lied to Ender because if they would have told him about how he killed Stilson and Bonzo he probably would have thought of himself as a killer knowing that he had killed someone like Peter and dropped out of battle school. If he would have dropped out of battle school then the world would have been invaded by the buggers.

"Sometimes violence is the only way to solve a problem?"
The first time I took the assessmaent I answered one out of five and I still agree because I thought of how usually there is a way out without using violence. In the book When Bonzo brought a group of other boys who didn't like Ender into the bathroom to threaten Ender to make him and his army lose every once in a while. I guess there was a way out without violence, to just agree and let Bonzo push him around, but Ender chose to stand up against Bonzo and make it so he would never bother him again I guessed it kind of worked but he accidentily ended up killing him.

"Is it okay to kill someone in self-defense?"
At first I said two because ususally you would be able to avoid it but I think that if you do have to its okay because say they were trying to kill you you would have to. In the shower Bonzo was obviously going to hurt Ender that was only after Ender teased Bonzo about his father being proud of him hurting a boy cold in a shower, But Ender did have to fight back, but he ended up killing Bonzo in self-defense.

"Are words stronger than fists?"
The first time taking the assessment I answered three out of five, I still agree, both can hurt very much, and Ender, was always teased for being the third child, by Peter and people at school like Stilson, Ender didn't show that he was hurt by it much but if other people traded places with Ender they would have taken it much worse. In the book Ender was the third child for a reason though to be a perfect mix of both Valentine and Peter.

"Bullies hurt others because they have low self esteem?"
In the first anticipation guide I answered three out of five and I still agree with what I said. Yes, sometimes bullies do hurt others because they have low self esteem like how Bonzo was going to beat Ender up while they were in the bathroom because Bonzo was mad because Ender was better than him in the games, but sometimes bullies just hurt people for no reason.

"Only the best and brightest students should receive the best education to become the nations leaders?"
I still agree with what I answered the first time, I answered one out of five because some students may seem not as smart at first but may become much more dedicated students in the future. In the book only people who were designated enough according to the monitors were brought to the battle school while all of the other children were left to live a normal life on earth.

"Revenge is never justified?"
At first I answered three out of five, I am still undecided because someone always has a reason that they "got  someone back" or got their revenge on someone. Ender was going to lead an army into the Buggers home worlds because the Buggers attacked them in the first place, even though the Buggers never really wanted to hurt the Human race. I think that Revenge is probably justified to yourself if you are the one who is doing the revenge but it may not be to someone else.

"Crying is evidence of weakness ?"
The first time I answered one out of five, In the book Ender wouldn't cry in front of the other boys because he thought they would find it as evidence of weakness even though many other boys were crying there. I think that because of the situation Ender was in then nobody could really hold crying against him, he was away from his family for years killing people and being used as a weapon, I think he could have if he wanted to.

"Any action is acceptable in war?"
At first I was undecided because killing is killing and thats pretty much what happens in war, In the book when Ender uses a weapon on a planet that destroyed all of the buggers, I don't think that in war you should be able or aloud to wipe out entire species of something because they may end up knowing stuff that we don't know and we could end up learning from them.

"Teenagers need discipline and rules because they can't control themselves?"
At first I answered three out of five and I still think that, I don't think that all people are the same, and that some people arent that responsible and do need discipline but some people are just really responsible and follow the rules, like how Peter just thought he was aloud to be mean to Ender and Valentine, but Valentine is nice to everyone and she thinks ahead to see if what she is going to do will have good or bad results like when she did when Peter wanted her to act like Demosthenes.

"Only through personal sacrifice can someone create positive change?"
The first time I took the anticipation guide for Enders game, I answered two out of five because I don't really believe that. I think that if you really like what you do than it isn't really sacrifice, its probably more of a pleasure to do it. In Enders case though he didn't really like it so he did have to sacrifice years of his life away from home, being somewhere in space training to do something he doesn't want to do so I think that it was true in Enders case but not all of the time.

I noticed that I didn't really change any of my answers since the first time i took the anticipation guide but I think I have more to say about the topics, because of the book, it has changed my views on the future also, and how it has been changing, There are a lot of examples of it in the book i think of how maybe in the future we will be monitoring children when they are young to see if they are good enough to do an important job.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Enders game questions chapters 9-11

Chapter 9 - Locke and Demosthenes

1.Between Peter and Valentine I think that really Valentine has the power, I guess that Peter is telling Valentine  what to do and everything but Valentine could easily betray Peter by either stop helping him, or tell other people about what Peter had been doing, not because he would get in a lot of trouble for it, he even said that they wouldn't get in too much trouble if they got caught, but he wouldn't be able to do it anymore without Valentine.


3. I think that Ender is still angry because of how Peter is the one who isn't killing anyone and is actually helping, but Ender is the one who is away from home killing, and Ender knows that Peter was the cruel one.

chapter 10-Dragon

1. Ender was kind of mean and strict at first when he got to be leader of dragon army, I think it was because of how he had strict leaders and he is really good at everything he does so he is doing it to his army.

2. Ender did to Bean what Graff did to him, I think it was because how Graff made Ender the favorite so all of the other boys bullied him and watched him, the same thing happened to Bean and when he had their attention he showed how good he was.

3. The phrase Salaam means peace be unto you, I don't think that the book mentions much about religion at the school but since they say that a lot like a normal greeting at home they must be pretty religious.

4. In the end of the chapter Allai and Ender talk about how they were enemies now, and Ender kind of, admitted that there was a wall separating them now.

Chapter 11-Veni Vidi Vici

1. I think that the computer knows Ender so well because the computer pays close attention to how Ender reacts to every situation he is put in.

2. "Yes. That's the worst that could happen. I can't lose any games. Because if I lose any--" I think that Ender was telling Bean about how if he lost a game then the teachers and the students would probably look at him differently and think that he wasn't actually the right person.

3. The teachers are pushing Ender so hard because they need him to save the human race and he is their last chance.

4. In the last few sentences of the chapter it talks about how ender came up with ideas and they were good because they were all stupid, Ender i think wanted stupid ideas because if they were stupid the enemy wouldn't see it coming.

5. Veni Vidi vici is an appropriate name for the chapter because of how much Ender has been through in his life when he is so young and how important he is.


I think that drones would really help in a war but I don't think that they should depend a lot on the drones. I also dont think that they should be aloud to kill people at home who "might" not be a U.S. citizen. I think that it should take more than a few months to fly a drone though, it's as big of a responsibility as actually flying a plane,  except it seems more like a game because they see it on a screen and they use an X box 360 controller, except it's not a game and if you mess up and kill the wrong people than you cant restart or change anything. I think that drones could get popular and could really help with other jobs, like the picture of the man who worked in real estate and he used a drone to take pictures of houses that he was selling. Sure the idea of having drones in my daily life does kind of scare me but not all drones would have to be made for violent stuff, they're pretty much the same as an electric airplane or helicopter.