Friday, March 1, 2013


I think that drones would really help in a war but I don't think that they should depend a lot on the drones. I also dont think that they should be aloud to kill people at home who "might" not be a U.S. citizen. I think that it should take more than a few months to fly a drone though, it's as big of a responsibility as actually flying a plane,  except it seems more like a game because they see it on a screen and they use an X box 360 controller, except it's not a game and if you mess up and kill the wrong people than you cant restart or change anything. I think that drones could get popular and could really help with other jobs, like the picture of the man who worked in real estate and he used a drone to take pictures of houses that he was selling. Sure the idea of having drones in my daily life does kind of scare me but not all drones would have to be made for violent stuff, they're pretty much the same as an electric airplane or helicopter.

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